Encounter Maasai Mara & Gorilla Photo Tours in Uganda

Welcome to Kenya the home of wildlife and here you can not miss to visit the Maasai Mara, Amboseli, Samburu and much more wildlife reserves and after being filled with wildlife photography continue to Uganda or Rwanda for the gorilla trekking experiences. Many travelers travel to Uganda and Rwanda to track the endangered mountain gorillas that thrive in the Virunga National Park. Many travelers interested in photography always opt for Kenya tours & gorilla safaris while visiting these few surviving homes to the mountain gorillas. On reaching the gorillas, spend 1 hour with the mountain gorillas wisely as it is the maximum time allowed while taking some memorable photographs.

Bring the best type of camera required in taking photos within the forests of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and Volcanoes National Park.

Fast lenses are needed in order to take clear pictures since the gorillas are always in areas without direct sunlight. However sometimes mountain gorillas can be found in places with direct sun light. Most clearer photos can be taken at shutter speed of 1/10-1/240.

Though most travelers prefer to bring a monopod it is not easy to use them within the forests. During your trek into the wild, mountain gorillas normally surround travelers moving all around making it difficult to use tripods. You are also advised to maintain a 7m buffer distance between the people and the gorillas. The monopod takes a little while to set up, the space can often be cramped as you will have 8 tourists and the guides all stuck in the jungle and the gorillas may be in a pose position that you may want for just a short period of time. During the gorilla trek, shot hand held cameras or occasionally with a monopod when the gorillas started resting after eating.

On the type of lens, it is advised to use a D90 (1.5x crop sensor) and 70-200mm VR lens. On the gorilla trekking trip, the destination guide is stricter on the distance between the travelers and the gorillas however it could reduce from 2-5meters since the gorillas can be mobile.

A zoom lens is better since it becomes too difficult while taking steps forward or backwards while in the jungle.

Due to the little light within the forest, it is tricky to get a clear view of the gorillas given the little light in the jungle as well as the dark colour of the gorillas, so travelers are advised to keep checking while shooting.

The first sight on mountain gorillas is really amazing. You can not hesitate the urge to blaze away with the camera taking memorable photos (particularly knowing 1 is only 1 hour with them), however later on you find it nice to sometimes just stop taking photos and enjoy the little time with these beautiful creatures, watching their behavior e.g. eating, playing and grooming each other.

It is not easy to aim at one or two gorillas at a time so as to get the best shot. The hour doesn’t last for so long and by all means you take the most incredible photos to treasure and also show to your friends.

By | 2019-10-24T15:02:58+00:00 October 26th, 2019|News|0 Comments

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